When you file a bankruptcy petition, your creditors receive a notice that you have filed, and when your case is finished, they receive a notice of your discharge, telling them that your case was successful and that you no longer have to pay your debts. However, there are times when you will still hear from
What Happens After My Bankruptcy Papers Are Filed With The Court?
The hard work of filing for bankruptcy is just getting your bankruptcy papers ready for filing. The filing is done electronically with the push of a button over the internet. However there is much more to your case, and you should be aware of what happens after the filing. When the papers are filed with
What Records Should I Keep If I Am Thinking Of Filing For Bankruptcy?
We hear from many people who want to know more about filing for bankruptcy but who may not be ready quite yet to file. One thing they often ask is what records they should keep in case they do have to file. The short answer is all of them. If you keep too much, you
What If I Forget A Creditor When I File For Bankruptcy?
As we have noted in previous posts, it is very important to try and list all of your creditors when you file for bankruptcy. However, it often happens that some creditor is left off of the filing and this can be for various reasons. With medical bills it happens because when you end up in
Can I File Bankruptcy Again in NYC?
Many people who file bankruptcy find themselves in dire financial straits again and wonder if they can file for bankruptcy a second time. Depending on how long it has been since the previous filing, the answer may be yes. Under the current bankruptcy law, a person can file another case under Chapter 7 of the
Can I Ever Get Credit Again After Bankruptcy?
If I File Bankruptcy, Will I Ever Get Credit Again? There can be many reasons people file for bankruptcy, and one large reason is often too much credit card debt. It is often debt that was easily handled before the loss of a job or a medical problem, but it is often the debts that
Can I get rid of tax debt through the bankruptcy discharge?
“I live in New York. Will My Taxes Be Discharged In Bankruptcy?” The purpose of filing for bankruptcy is to receive a discharge of all of your debts, meaning that you will never have to pay them. Most debts are discharged. Credit card debts, loans and medical bills are almost always discharged. Taxes, however, are
Should I sell my NYC co-op or apartment before I file bankruptcy?
Should I Sell My Co-op Before I File for Bankruptcy? When clients realize they will have to file for bankruptcy, they often wonder about whether to take certain steps before they file, or after their case is over. Since I’m based out of NYC, One of the biggest questions I hear is whether to sell
What Happens If I Leave a Creditor Off of My Bankruptcy?
When you file a bankruptcy case, it is very important to make sure all of your creditors are listed in the papers. This means everyone you owe money to, not just credit cards and banks. It includes medical bills, hospital bills, student loans, taxes, parking tickets and anyone to whom you owe money. You do
Can I File for Bankruptcy in NYC If I Have Already Been Sued?
Many people wait much too long to file for bankruptcy. It is a good idea to file before you are sued, but once you are sued, you can certainly still file. In fact, most of the unpleasant things that happen when you are sued can be taken care of once you file a bankruptcy case.